
Easier said than done
Even when the battles won
Skeletons buried deep
Unearthed to restore what was stolen
Innocence thoroughly broken
Mental Hell
Outside of confronting those  who chose to betray
I come out of this disarray
Solace I did seek in every man I did meet
Unbeknownst to me I did aspire to self destruct
Autopilot was my flight
Until I spoke to the demon within
To rid me of the sin

I champion no more for I have my cure
Renewed life in Jesus Christ
Without him there is no life
My healing came slow
Like a mellow haze drifting in on the summer breeze

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Falling leaves drifting down in the Autumn breeze.

Crunching under foot all that the squirrels have forsaken.

Apples rotting… sweet smell of decay.

Colorful array in the canopy.

Trees alive so much drive to survive. 

One last burst of light and sound from all that surround.

Creature and critter scamper amongst the litter scurrying to hide all necessary to manage the coming winter.


Welcomed boredom

Welcomed boredom in the office.
Now to daydream about the forest.
Mossy hills and wild dills.
Frolick and play.

Off to my favorite haven
With men close shaven
Rough handed smooth by sand.

Sweet breeze kisses my knees as I bend to touch a stream that looks so clean.

Lips parched.  Set to part to drink the nectar in.

Time never wasting I’m to busy chasing dragonflies and butterflies in the afternoon sun .

Tall grass covers me leaving no trace of me.  Free to dream warm safe in the August breeze.