In the mountains they do meet

In the mountains they do meet

In cloaks and hoods do they greet

Under the Blood Moon they do chant their wicked incantations they do rant

Only the birds and bears see this frightful delight

Witches and Warlocks come from far and near to attempt to commune the damned

For they are the ones the cheer

They pray, they feast, they do dare to release a beast


The year that should’ve have been great, still not too late🤣🙏🏽⛅

Interesting doesn’t quite cover it

Whens there’s time we will rewind and take a spin through this year

What a magnificent twist of luck

Plucked nearly dumbstruck

Enduring evangelical faith pushing great energy

Thankful grateful and blessed

Say less

Eggs or chickens to be…

You just never know, especially, when you look at life like a farm

No matter how vigilant the farmer, you can not see everything

You think you counted each time the rooster was with the hens

You calculate the odds

You think you’ve calculated the odds

Yet as you wait

As you candle your eggs your still not sure

You wait the allotted time and harvest your eggs

See in real husbandry we don’t refrigerate the eggs

We leave on the kitchen counter

Mostly you have true eggs but every so often you find a chic (k) in you house


I can’t find all the pieces all the shattered shards all the micro fragments of your broken heart only you can espy the prismatic glow from every blow that your soul did undergo

Though I may help you search I may help you find only you can truly ease your mind only you can truly heal your shattered heart and mend all the segmented parts

I am but a guide on this very long journey one Spirit like you having a human experience in this moment on this bridge whether in the middle or searching for it we did intersect we did know and for it both our souls did grow

The Depths

How many will it take? Does your search ever end? Each den you find yourself in.

How many 9 volt batteries must you put your tongue on? Does the low voltage fill your cup?

Is your battery ever recharged?

If you’re built for high octane yet you settle for regular.

Your search for me in every encounter. Never yields the spark, the arc. Leaves you drained. Low battery.

I’m not your emergency contact. Yet, in an emergency you make contact.

Would it have been better?

Would it have been better if I never met you?

Could I have experienced this love any better?

Would I have gone the distance on so many roads, if I would just said no oh so long ago.

Would it have better if I didn’t have so many visions of our future together

Would it have been better had we never been.

Missed each other in this lifetime.

We would not be stuck this way on each other.

Would it have been better if we never tied our souls together…

3rd of November

Remember, remember on the 3rd of November, a day for a treasonous plot

Cast your ballots to uproot the rot
Stand for God and countrymen alike

We threw off the crown, now throw off the clown and regain sound logic to take stock

Push forward the clock, stuck to long looping this infernal glitch
Surely this will make it stop

So, remember, remember on the 3rd of November be sure to cast your lot

Apollo speaks to Artemis

The conversation between the sun and the Moon.. .

the Sun says to the Moon “you have your time to shine you must accept your role as the lesser luminary, do not be diminished at your lack of illumination to the world on the daily, they don’t understand the subtle ways in which you guide. I on the other hand cannot hide. I am forced every day to shine very bright no matter what clouds are in sight, an expectation of brilliance is what I have been penned, don’t feel lesser or diminished the weight is greater on my end.”